

Membership is open to organizations and individual residents and non residents of West Gem Ward who subscribe to the vision and mission of the TRUST in accordance to the membership categories below.


Builder Membership


Sponsor membership


Associate Membership


affiliate membership


honorary membership

Give us the opportunity to stand by your side on the road to prosperity.

Builder membership

Are those people who are able to contribute and commit use of the trust investment code as their investment/ project platform. These are members who will participate and heavily rely and on West Gem development Trust as a platform for investments /projects strategically initiated by the trust.

sponsor member

This is a Social Partnership Member.  A onetime /continuous friendship as long as friendship exists on the basis of collaboration, and facilitation of programmes / projects. These are donor agencies, corporate, institutions and individuals. The Sponsor member will have full benefit of the trust’s community social contacts for promotions of their programmes, projects, products and services. Sponsor Members will have:-

  • Access to detailed intellectual property data and policies of the trust and use of open source projects.
  • Help with starting and participating in Open Source projects and community groups relevant to their programmes /projects.

Associate member

Associate members shall be larger organizations / professional individuals who will support the Trust by designing and supporting rural community development programmes on Participatory Partnership.  Associate members may be an organization or individual professionals.

Affiliate member

Affiliate Members are generally local non- profit registered community groups that affiliates with West Gem Development Trust for purposes of project/program support. This is a joint management relationship in the aspect that community Prorgramme / project is considered as locality or neighborhood co-opting grass-roots development groups in building programmes / projects collectively. When the programme/ project is complete, each person reflects which part of the programme they played, how they related to other parts, which parts are missing, etc., which is then translated into development analysis.

Honorary member

Honorary members shall be members of the public who have distinguished themselves in service of the community in various disciplines. The Membership will be either individual or corporate
Shall be the advisory to the board on the general direction of the trust.
Shall indemnify the trust and hold the assets in trust for the members.
Honorary Members are selected on meritocracy and shall link the trust with potential sponsors, donors and supporters.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: +254-733-423-618/ +254-721-321-086